Funny cat quotes, 200 Hilarious Cat Quotes You Can't Miss

200 plus cat funny quotes, cat quotes, Cat funny quotes about life, Cat funny quotes about life, Memes Cat Quotes Funny
200 plus cat funny quotes about life

  • Pussycats because humans must know that it is okay not to see, to look the other way toward commodity. 
  • When that first man was watching for pussycats, they were gods, and pussycats haven’t disavowed that yet. 
  • I have resident Zen masters, in fact all my favorites, well cats to be accurate. 
  • kids have owners. cats have servants. 
  • pussycats to add up it’s because life is too short to hear orders. 
  • A cat is something for which there is no solution, or for which there can be no solution other than one’s own. 
  • Like any cat owner is overly worried, no bone is owned by a cat. 
  • ours pussycats play the king’s part to the letter- eigens asserting itself at its own sweet will; do n’t you just love it ? 
  • I spent almost six days to find the two and candidly, I don’t think any other phrase describes it better. 
  • I’m not saying my cat is lazy but he has resting nap face going on then. 
  • pussycats can actually count how important of a vexation they are to be to sit in that spot. 
  • pussycats’ purring though is the sound most similar to an machine of a playful animal. 
  • pussycats believe that the whole world is their property. That’s where we are dwelling in their world. 
  • pussycats are like chips and you just can’t have one, you keep wanting more of them. 
  • Cat will sit right at the place where you never wished them to sit.
  • You know your cat owns the house when one day you wake up and realize that YOU are the one asking for permission to occupy the couch.  
  • No it was not created for humans, it’s been created for cat videos only.  
  • My other major complaint is my cat has decided that the vacuum cleaner is the Devil.  
  • Cats: transforming complete anarchy into purring cats is what they have been doing from the beginning of time.  
  • It would be a terrible mistake to believe that a cat is not capable of ruining something while giving you the most guileless stare. 
  • Cats learn how to hunt food without needing to work, get a house without being caged and cannot lose affection without repayment.  
  • In case this cat were not lazy she would be the CEO of a certain company I am sure of that.  
  • What a cat likes more than sleeping is the act of pretending not to notice you.  
  • Cats are convinced they own the right to be on your lap, wherever you are, courtesy of mother Nature.  
  • If cats were able to speak they wouldn’t.  
  • Sometimes I almost expect my cat to roll his eyes at me and tell me I am weird for not sleeping for sixteen hours in a day.  
  • A meow massages the heart.  
  • If cat could respond your text, they wouldn’t do that.[vertex] So beware of the feline intervention!  
  • Having a cat is like allowing a small tyrant and his subjects and you’re the servant but your little dictator is cute.  
  • Felines are interlopers of luxury.  
  • Couch potatoes have nothing on my cat; she pretty much spends hours gazing at inert objects – and not a little uncomfortably – with all her might. 
  • Cats are those guys who live with you, take your food, and leave the house for hours without telling anyone.  
  • Of all these animals, I am sure cats most believe that they are the ones allowing people to reside in their homes. 
  • My cat does this thing called what, ever the hell it wants. 
  • Cats have it all: praise, never-have-to-wake-up, and get company only when they need it. 
  • If only there was an equivalent term for cat domination; my cat is a master at thinking she runs the show… and she’s not entirely wrong. 

200 plus cat funny quotes, cat quotes, Cat funny quotes about life, Cat funny quotes about life, Memes Cat Quotes Funny

  • Cats are the only animals that can bring you that kind of guilt for waking them up from their siesta.  
  • It is inconceivable that a home cannot boast of a cat that will just take no heeded to anyone.  
  • Cats do not beg for your attention – they expect it.  
  • The judgment is real when the cat gives you those eyes because you must be doing something wrong in your life.
  • If my cat decides not to pay any attention to me then I am left wondering if I offended her highness. 
  • They calmly walk away from life’s difficulties with the cutest excuse – they are purring.  
  • Cats sleep seven out of 10 years of their lives, and I am not ready to die just yet.  
  • While interacting with individuals, the more I appreciate and care much about my cat.
  • Well, actually cats do not have owners, they have servants like this arrogant guy in the picture.  
  • My cat indifferent to whatever happens to me except if I am delay for whatever reason it will be for feeding time.
  • This simple fact makes cats undeniably cute but also the most probable candidates to ever be'];
  • It is time to debunk the phrase “as curious as a cat” because it should be “as lazy as a cat.” 
  • Cats just seem to think that they are doing you a big favour by actually choosing you as their owner. 
  • If cats really hum they are not just happy; they are planning to take over the universe.  
  • My cat still believes in the right to privacy as she chooses where to be comfortable in the whole house and space.  
  • Cats must think they’re the royalty species, and we are just privileged to share the earth with them. 
  • You’ll always wake up to a different phrase like, a cat is always on the wrong side of the door.
  • If you fancy the chance to be in the best position in the theatre you will need to shift the cat. 
  • Cats are probably the best when it comes to pretending that they actually have work to do.
  • If you buy the idea you’re in control, don’t tell anybody, the cat will make you think that is your illusion.  
  • My cat doesn’t know laws; she enacts them.  
  • Every cat is a connoisseur of still stares. 
  • Dogs try to seek their owners’ attention by positioning themselves near their laptops, and cats will too. 
  • A cat’s favorite hobby: You always tried not to find the one thing you didn’t want them to knock over.  
  • It’s all because of cats that we can’t have nice things.  
  • You should never neglect your glass of water beside you where a cat is, always allows it to be away.  
  • Cats began resting cat face before even the existence of resting human face. 
  • If there is any activity that my cat is so very active in it would be during the middle of the night.  
  • I don’t give my cat treats but I made her obedient in the art of demanding what she wants. 
  • That is the only time cats wake up, when their nap is coming in the way of the next meal. 
  • Cats are intelligent enough to grasp what ‘no’ means – they simply decide to turn a deaf ear and a blind eye. 
  • If anyone has ever thought about having a cat, they should realiser that is living with a little tyrant coated in fur.  
  • Cats have a mechanical instinct for locating the most valuable object in the room to lay on.  
  • If cats could drive, they would never use their turn signals, even though everybody knows that cats always change their minds at the last moment.
  • A cat’s favorite game: we build up a facade of not caring about the human until we need something.  
  • I have not met a cat yet that doesn’t have a PhD in how to ignore you. 
  • Cats are like ninjas i look for them and suddenly they are there scaring the liveliness out of me.
  • It may sound rather absurd when I say that once I turned to my cat for the solution to a certain problem, I just got a yawn in response. 
200 plus cat funny quotes, cat quotes, Cat funny quotes about life, Cat funny quotes about life, Memes Cat Quotes Funny

  • My cat believes all the boxes existing are actually castles and she’s the queen of course. 
  • Cats do not allow themselves to whimper for attention; they just get audacious enough to make a demand and expect you to oblige. 
  • Cats: the only ones who can turn over a glass with some elegance.
  • Cats are very fun’s–especially when you are trying to do a very serious errand. 
  • The only thing that moves faster than a speeding bullet is a cat before a bath.
  • My cat has more moods than I do and 90% of those are nap time. 
  • Cats don’t scratch say furniture; they redesign it.  
  • Having a cat as a pet means getting used to the fact that you will never be alone in the bathroom again.  
  • Team work from a cat’s perspective means sitting and watching you work till you’re exhausted.  
  • Cats are great at two things: being cute and causing chaos.
  • At times, I cumstly believe that my cat looks down at me for not napping as often as he would wish. 
  • To the same tune a cat is cuddling, the very next moment it is planning to annihilate you.  
  • My cat’s power is to give me the guilt trip every time I try to leave the house. 
  • Cats have one goal in life: to sit on whatever you’re boogy to use.
  • Hear what I see? Cats don’t purr for you, they purr because they know you’re going to do what they want you to.  
  • A cat’s favorite alarm clock? The noise they make when their bowl is being filled with food.
  • Cats are living examples that do not require very much to get affection from someone.  
  • A cat’s life philosophy: I wish I can say I am glad if it’s inconvenient for the human, because it’s totally fine for me.  
  • Although they are good listeners, you can ask their name and they won’t reply or notice a can of food being opened from three rooms away.  
  • Cats have been specialists in listening selectively for breeding purposes.  
  • If the cat ever made one, the agenda would be ‘ignore the human’.  
  • Cats do not destroy things they conduct gravitational experiments.  
  • The philosophy that cats live by is to sleep throughout the day, so they can wake you up throughout the night.  
  • A cat will never see a closed door and not want it opened right there and then.  
  • Even if cats had Fitbits, we’d keep it a secret that they clearly have zero steps in a day, or a week, or even a year.  
  • I wish I was as good at finding ways to make it look as if I work all day as my cat is. 
  • One of the best things that cats can do in preparation for Christmas is to join in with the gift wrapping to sit on everything.  
  • My cat could give a lot of bona fide adults a run for their money when it comes to napping and I’m not embarrassed to say that I want to be just like her.  
  • As you can confirm from the list above, cats were specially created with the ability of identifying the best warm spot at home.  
  • Where you need to be is the place your cat likes to sit, for example in the middle of the bed.  
  • A cat’s idea of multitasking: beautiful sleeping and napping all at once.
  • Looking at the possibilities that cats would rule the world, everyone would have to take a nap at some point.
  • Cats have the ego of someone that knows they never make a wrong decision and, really, who can argue with them?  
  • My cat is a pro at shedding enough hair on everything to softly curse my authority and existence.  
  • Cats have two speeds: fast and asleep.  
  • This is why cats cannot be taken for a walk; they should be ridiculed, adored and feted like gods.  
  • In the presence of a cat, furniture arrangement that may not be preferred by the cat will be changed one claw at a time.  
  • A cat’s purr is a good advice when one is wondering why the world does not make any sense if you do not do anything. 
  • My cat’s favorite form of exercise is stretching just before going to take a nap.  
  • If you desire a fully stubborn minion for life that you could never command or teach how to obey basic commands but expects you to server him at all times then get a cat.  
  • Cats are not playful animals—they make you to play with them.


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